Results for 'S. John Langan'

936 found
  1.  15
    Moral Goals and Moral Dilemmas After an Unjust War.S. John Langan - 2005 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 15 (1):3-13.
  2.  22
    Morality, egoism and punishment in Thomas Aquinas.S. J. John Langan - 1981 - Heythrop Journal 22 (4):378–393.
  3.  48
    Catholic social teaching and the allocation of scarce resources.John Langan - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):401-405.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Social Teaching and the Allocation of Scarce ResourcesJohn Langan S.J. (bio)I shall approach the issue of justice in the allocation of scarce resources from the viewpoint of Catholic social teaching, as developed over the last century. This teaching is found primarily in the social encyclicals issued by popes from Leo XIII (1878–1903) to John Paul II (1978- ), but also in the pastoral letters of the (...)
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  4. The Elements of St. Augustine's Just War Theory.John Langan - 1984 - Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (1):19 - 38.
    St. Augustine's just war theory involves eight principal elements: a) a punitive conception of war, b) assessment of the evil of war in terms of the moral evil of attitudes and desires, c) a search for authorization for the use of violence, d) a dualistic epistemology which gives priority to spiritual goods, e) interpretation of evangelical norms in terms of inner attitudes,f) passive attitude to authority and social change, g) use of Biblical texts to legitimate participation in war, and h) (...)
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    Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life by Fabrizio Amerini (review).John Langan - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (1):103-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life by Fabrizio AmeriniJohn LanganReview: Fabrizio Amerini, Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life, trans. Mark Henninger, Harvard University Press, 2013The ongoing and apparently interminable debate over the moral and legal status of abortion has come over the years to resemble the Western front in World War I, with two contending armies facing each other with limited maneuvering (...)
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    Spain's Ordeal. [REVIEW]John T. Langan - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (4):699-699.
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    Egoism and Mortality in the Teleology of Thomas Aquinas.John Langan - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:411-426.
    Aquinas holds that human actions are directed to a last end which is the supreme good and the complete satisfaction of the agent’s desires. He confronts serious difficulties in explaining how morally wrong or sinful choices and renunciatory acts are possible and in avoiding psychological egoism. The distinction that he makes between the concept of the last end as the fulfillment of desire and the object (God) in which that ful fillment is found enables him to alleviate these difficulties but (...)
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    Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional, vol. I.Joel H. Rosenthal, J. E. Drexel Godfrey, R. V. Jones, Arthur S. Hulnick, David W. Mattausch, Kent Pekel, Tony Pfaff, John P. Langan, John B. Chomeau, Anne C. Rudolph, Fritz Allhoff, Michael Skerker, Robert M. Gates, Andrew Wilkie, James Ernest Roscoe & Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr (eds.) - 2006 - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
    This is the first book to offer the best essays, articles, and speeches on ethics and intelligence that demonstrate the complex moral dilemmas in intelligence collection, analysis, and operations. Some are recently declassified and never before published, and all are written by authors whose backgrounds are as varied as their insights, including Robert M. Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; John P. Langan, the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Professor of Catholic Social Thought at the Kennedy Institute of (...)
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  9.  14
    Recent Catholic Social and Ethical Teaching in Light of the Social Gospel.Roger Haight & John Langan - 1990 - Journal of Religious Ethics 18 (1):103 - 128.
    Though the social teachings of the U.S. Catholic bishops differ in several respects from both the Protestant social gospel and Latin American liberation theology, there is a common theological logic grounding these kindred conceptions of the role of the church in social reconstruction. Christian social concern begins with a "contrast experience" of the failure of present actuality to satisfy the felt requirements of conscience. This experience compels attention to the resources of Scripture which are brought to bear by means of (...)
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    Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals: Foundational Issues.Edmund D. Pellegrino, J. Langan & John Collins Harvey - 1989 - Springer.
    CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES AND CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL MORALS A Catholic perspective on medical morals antedates the current world wide interest in medical and biomedical ethics by many centuries[5]. Discussions about the moral status of the fetus, abortion, contraception, and sterilization can be found in the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Teachings on various aspects of medical morals were scattered throughout the penitential books of the early medieval church and later in more formal treatises when moral theology became recog (...)
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  11.  21
    Heidegger and the path of thinking.John Sallis (ed.) - 1970 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
    A letter from Martin Heidegger.--On the way to being; reflecting on conversations with Martin Heidegger, by Z. Adamczewski.--Heidegger's view and evaluation of nature and natural science, by E. G. Ballard.--Truth as art: an interpretation of Heidegger's Sein und Zeit (sec. 44) and Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes, by C. D. Keyes.--The language of the event: the event of language, by T. Kisiel.--Heidegger: the problem of the thing, by T. Langan.--The late Heidegger's omission of the ontic-ontological structure of Dasein, by R. (...)
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  12.  10
    Montaigne and the Concept of" bien né".S. John Holyoake - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  13.  15
    The City University: A History.Richard Aldrich & S. John Teague - 1982 - British Journal of Educational Studies 30 (2):241.
  14.  32
    A Bibliography of Arthur Waley.C. S. G. & Francis A. Johns - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):386.
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  15.  66
    Précis of the construction of social reality.Review author[S.]: John R. Searle - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):427-428.
  16.  26
    Perceived competency towards dental practice among interns of various dental colleges in India.S. Prabhu, S. Saravanan & Joseph John - 2012 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 2 (1):33.
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  17.  21
    The Social Context of the School.S. Leslie Hunter & S. John Eggleston - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):101.
  18.  89
    May Alzheimer's Patients Refuse Tube Feeding? Yet More Questions on the Papal Allocution--And Perhaps an Answer.John Perry - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (2):123-139.
    The implications of Pope John Paul II's 2004 Allocution on vegetative states remain unclear despite dozens of articles and a recent clarifying statement from the Vatican. Yet few have considered its implications for those with end-stage progressive dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. Although recent studies suggest tube feeding is burdensome and not beneficial for such patients, the Allocution would nonetheless seem to forbid patients from forgoing it. But this seems to be in tension with the Catholic bioethical tradition as (...)
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  19.  23
    Paul Feyerabend's Ernst Mach.John Preston - unknown
  20. Ruskin's Modern Painters.John Ruskin & A. J. Finberg - 1927 - G. Bell.
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  21.  63
    A Fool's Errand?John Ahrens - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (4):489-504.
    Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement fédéral entreprend de diriger les situation d’urgence, un tâche si intimidante qu’elle fait appel à la panoplie de réglementation et de pouvoirs économiques résidant dans les institutions et les bureaucraties fédérales. L’Administration Fédérale de Gestion des Situations d’Urgence occupe la pôle position dans cet effort massif. Mais une société qui autorise le gouvernement à répondre face aux catastrophes naturelles et autres calamités de ce type peut-elle espérer préserver sa liberté? Non. En fait, le gouvernement d’une société libre (...)
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  22.  95
    (1 other version)Koselleck's philosophy of historical time(s) and the practice of history.John Zammito - 2004 - History and Theory 43 (1):124–135.
  23.  41
    What's in a word? Coming to terms in the Darwinian revolution.John Beatty - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (2):215 - 239.
  24. Machiavelli's Greek tyrant as republican reformer.John P. McCormick - 2015 - In Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini & Vittorio Morfino, The radical Machiavelli: politics, philosophy and language. Boston: Brill.
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    Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noosphere by Richard Doyle.John Muckelbauer - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (3):365-368.
    Although I do not know Richard Doyle personally, I would say that Darwin’s Pharmacy: Sex Plants and the Evolution of the Noosphere is a deeply personal book. Not only does the author offer multiple accounts of his own multicontinental explorations of intraspecies cross-pollination, but he also provides many rhetorical analyses of trip reports, biological treatises, and science fiction, all of which seem to be crucial constitutive elements of his research. That is, this is not a book that offers abstract erudition—though (...)
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  26. Lawrence's World Elsewhere: Elegy and History in The Rainbow.John Haegert - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 15 (2):115-135.
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    Lonergan's Practical Political Transformative Understanding.John Boyd Turner - 1987 - Lonergan Workshop 6 (9999):109-241.
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  28. The Bureaucrat’s Intellectual Configuration.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison: Freud Institute.
    The bureaucrat's intellectual configuration is identical with the psychopath's.
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  29.  34
    Fitch's Method and Whitehead's Metaphysics.John W. Lango - 2002 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 38 (4):581 - 603.
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    (1 other version)Schaum's Outline of Logic.John Eric Nolt, Dennis Rohatyn & Achille Varzi - 1988 - New York, NY, USA: Mcgraw Hill.
    An outline of the material covered in courses on Formal and Informal Logic. The outline includes chapters on mathematical approaches to logic as well as on fallacies, deduction and induction, probability, and other major topics. Logic is traditionally taught by means of problem solving exercises, so the subject is well suited to a Schaum's Outline approach.
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  31.  14
    Robert S. Corrington.John Deely & C. Walter de Gruyter - 1996 - Semiotica 111 (1/2):103-115.
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    Achieving Rorty’s New Private-Public Divide.John P. Anderson - 2023 - In Martin Müller, Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 865-881.
    Richard Rorty reimagined the traditional liberal private-public divide to face contingency. This chapter explains Rorty’s understanding of it as a crucial component of any just and stable political order in the post-secular West. Rorty’s continued defense of the liberal private-public divide has been criticized from the political right and left. His foundation-neutral model is, however, equipped (or can easily be modified) to answer these objections. And this is good news, because Rorty has shown us that the leading post-secular alternatives (e.g., (...)
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  33.  10
    Europe’s ‘American Dream’.John Erik Fossum - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (4):483-504.
    Recent years (pre-Obama) of transatlantic rifts should not deceive us into ignoring the great attraction that the United States has exerted, and continues to exert, on Europeans. This article, first, seeks to uncover the normative assumptions that underpin the US as an exemplar or polity model for the EU, as seen from a European perspective. Second, it briefly considers whether the traits that Europeans find attractive about the US as a polity model have much real bearing on the EU, not (...)
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  34.  45
    Aristotle’s Animative Epistemology.John Russon - 1995 - Idealistic Studies 25 (3):241-253.
    I want to take up some of the most familiar texts in Aristotle, and I want to approach them in what I think is an Aristotelian fashion, but the conclusions I will reach are not, I think, the familiar ones. I will begin, in Section 1, with Aristotle’s conception of phusis—of nature—and lead from here into a discussion of the nature of life, which will lead us to the themes of soul and body. I will find the principle of desire (...)
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  35.  9
    T. S. Eliot's Poetry.John B. Vickery - 1957 - Renascence 10 (1):31-31.
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  36.  15
    Moore's Paradox, the Priority of Belief and Eliminativism.John N. Williams - unknown
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  37. Aporetic approach to Husserl's reflections on time.John Anders - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft, Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
    This chapter will examine two puzzles that percolate Husserl’s On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (PITC). They concern: (1) whether or not memory is pictorial and (2) whether or not the temporal determinations (past, now, future, etc.) are categories. Considering these aporetic discussions helps us to understand the time diagrams Husserl uses, as well as some of the motivation behind Husserl’s talk of the two intentionalities of retention and his talk of the time-constituting flow. Moreover, this approach (...)
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  38. Whitehead's Theory of Knowledge.John W. Blyth - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:224.
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  39.  28
    Peirce's First-Order Logic of 1885.John Byrnes - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (4):949 - 976.
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    Pletho's date of death and the burning of his Laws.John Monfasani - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):459-463.
    I Pletho's Date of Death In 1976 I denied the correctness of the commonly held date of 1452 for Pletho's death. I argued instead for 1454. The difference of two years meant not only that Pletho lived to see the fall of Constantinople in 1453, but also that a whole series of works in the Plato-Aristotle controversy had to be redated. The basis for the 1452 date is a notice found amid other notes by an unknown hand on the last (...)
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  41. Husserl's early period: juvenilia and the Logical Investigations.John J. Drummond - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi, Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Paul’s call to be a holy man : In his own words and in other words.John J. Pilch - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (1/2).
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  43.  12
    It's brightening up, Johnny: a memoir.John Powell - 2008 - Berowra Heights, N.S.W.: Deerubbin Press.
  44.  23
    John Locke and Christianity: contemporary responses to The reasonableness of Christianity.Victor Nuovo & John Locke (eds.) - 1997 - Dulles, Va.: Thoemmes Press.
    The Reasonableness of Christianity is a major work by one of the greatest modern philosophers. Published anonymously in 1695, it entered a world upset by fierce theological conflict and immediately became a subject of controversy. At issue were the author’s intentions. John Edwards labelled it a Socinian work and charged that it was subversive not only of Christianity but of religion itself others praised it as a sure preservative of both. Few understood Locke’s intentions, and perhaps no one fully. (...)
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  45. Bacon's third sailing: the Presocratic origins of modern philosophy.John C. McCarthy - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn, Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
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    St John Fisher's defence of the holy priesthood.S. J. William J. O'rourke - 1967 - Heythrop Journal 8 (3):260–293.
  47.  84
    Mechanized analysis of Anselm’s modal ontological argument.John Rushby - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 89 (2):135-152.
    We use a mechanized verification system, PVS, to examine the argument from Anselm’s Proslogion Chapter III, the so-called “Modal Ontological Argument.” We consider several published formalizations for the argument and show they are all essentially similar. Furthermore, we show that the argument is trivial once the modal axioms are taken into account. This work is an illustration of Computational Philiosophy and, in addition, shows how these methods can help detect and rectify errors in modal reasoning.
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  48.  10
    Westminster's world: Understanding political roles.John Greenaway - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (2):313-314.
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    Plato’s forms.John Berry - 1988 - Southwest Philosophy Review 4 (1):111-119.
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    H. S. Harris (1926–2007).John Burbidge - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 38 (1-2):3-4.
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